Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun Fact: Big Bertha Driver From Callaway Golf

Callaway  Golf Big Bertha Driver

One of the names I remember when I was a kid growing up with zero interest in golf was the name Big Bertha. I just knew it was a big club, but didn’t care about the significance of it. Until I grew up, started playing golf and had to drive that ball down the fairway. Yeah, I started to know Big Bertha pretty well. *ting*

You can find the Big Bertha clubs and all her variances in the used clubs market. I think Callaway Golfs dropped the name recently for political correctness. Bah, I say, the name fits and should’ve stayed.

So here’s the fun fact you probably didn’t know about. The name Big Bertha comes from the big German super heavy class of howitzers. These were mostly used in World War 1. Check her out in the picture below. Those are some big guns baby and I’m sure it doesn’t make a *ting* sound!

Big Bertha howitzer canon

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