Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Elisabeth Shue

Elisabeth Shue GQ Cover
Elisabeth Shue,

While today's earlier entry had a post on smelly shoes, I remember another Shue I would love to smell, and that's Elisabeth Shue. Ok, ok, so I tried to roll a pun in there, so shue me! LOL, sorry, couldn't help it.

This is an old GQ magazine cover of her. It's from 1995 I think. There's just something about her during this stage of her career that made her really attractive without having to resort to trashiness. I still have this magazine somewhere I think. I think my Mom or Dad was bored waiting somewhere like the DMV and bought this to read.

I think around this time was when I watched a movie she was in, Leaving Las Vegas with Nicholas Cage. She was a prostitute that started caring for Cage's character, and all he wanted to do was die by drinking everyday and having a prostitute around him. Pretty good drama movie. A recommended watch even if you aren't a Nicholas Cage fan.

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