Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alyssa Milano - Weird Looking At Her

Alyssa Milano Los Angeles Dodgers shirt
photo by London Entertainment/Splash News - June 27, 2010

I get kind of a weird feeling when looking at Alyssa Milano. One one hand, she's still cute, on the other hand, I still remember her as the kid on the old 80's sitcom "Who's The Boss?" with Tony Danza.

When seeing her as an attractive woman, I kind of feel like the dirty old man looking at a younger woman. She's roughly my age I think, but still remember her as Tony Danza's tomboy daughter from the show. Gawd, I sound like a pervert now, but some of you know what I mean.

When I was in my early 20's I worked with some guys that were heavy metal headbangers. I'm talking about the long haired, favorite band t-shirt and stoned voiced stereotypes. One of them was in love with her and would always mention her in his lust fantasies. I'm feeling gross hearing it of course, remember, I still remember her as the kid on the show. Not the grown women she was around that time.

My wife was watching the new programmings on the WB channel (remember the singing frog?) and one of the top shows was Charmed. The teen witch show with former Beverly Hills 90210 bitch, Shannen Doherty and some other girl I don't remember. That's when I saw the grown up version of Alyssa Milano. Wow! She's grown! She's really pretty too!

Now I didn't feel so weird anymore being that we were both around our 20's. Actually I think she's older than me. I'm going to have to check up on that. But still, when you grew up with some of these actors, you tend to remember them when you were a kid.

It's funny now that I think of it, why did I watch the show Who's The Boss? in the first place?

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