Friday, July 16, 2010

Oksana Grigorieva - Mel Gibson Is Yelling At

oksana grigorieva mel gibson ex girlfriend it's for dad blog

It's for Dad Female of the Day: Oksana Grigorieva

She's the one you've been hearing in the news lately about Mel Gibson's yelling and scolding her, and unfortunately was beating her up (allegedly).

Oksana Grigorieva is a pianist, singer and songwriter. She was the one Mel Gibson was cheating with when he was married to his former wife. Mel Gibson and Oksana have a child together, which she had late last year. It's a daughter named Lucia.

mel gibson angry yelling it's for dad blog

I'm not sure what the hell is up with Mel Gibson, and supposedly he's always been some ranting angry guy yelling racial slurs to everyone around him. Who knows really. When shit happens, it happens and it all comes out. Puts new meaning to the his movie Mad Max.

Well enough of him! Oksana the sexy pianist is our Female of the Day!

mel gibson's girlfriend oksana grigorieva it's for dad female of  the day

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