Friday, July 2, 2010

Lisa Loeb - Her Glasses Makes Her So Adorable

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I was watching a girl intensely typing on her laptop at Starbucks today. She was so intensely doing whatever she was doing she didn’t realized I was staring for so long. In fact, I forgot how long I was actually staring because I couldn’t figure out why she looks so familiar, but younger. Maybe the girl at Starbucks is someone I know but got a facelift. Then it occurred to me that she reminded me of Lisa Loeb.

Lisa Loeb isn’t a hot knockout sultry women. In fact, she’s pretty nerdy looking, but cute. I was never one to really care or be attracted to girls with eyeglasses. I remember asking my friends what they thought of girls that wear nice looking eyeglasses and about 3/4 of them said it makes them cute and spunky. That’s why the naughty teacher look always have glasses. I never thought of them that way, but it makes sense now.

I remember Lisa Loeb in the 1990′s. She had this one song they would always play on the radio. Check the youtube video below. Her trademark is her eyewear, and I don’t think I would recognize her if she stopped wearing them. It’s like having Buddy Holly not wear eyeglasses, you probably wouldn’t recognize him.

For being 42 years old, she’s still pretty cute looking and yet still somehow was able to retain her nerdy hipster cute look after all these years. She’s doesn’t have that aggressive exciting cougar look or even a MILF look, but a look at has aged well.

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